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Important pre - booking info to note:


- If you have had any previous microblading/ brow tattoo work that was done elsewhere please send us a clear picture for assessment.

- If you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or not yet at the 3-month postpartum mark we will need to postpone your booking.

- If you are currently on any antibiotics please ensure you book for after your course.

- If you are currently on any acne medications such as Roaccutane, Tetralysal, Purbac, etc. as we will need to postpone your booking.

- Please advise if you are taking any blood thinners or blood-thinning medications & supplements (e.g. fish oils) as these will need to be stopped before we can proceed (with permission from your doctor).

- Please advise if you are currently undergoing radiation or chemotherapy.


- Please advise if you are diabetic, have any heart conditions or very high blood pressure as this can affect your healing & results.

- If you are on any thyroid, blood pressure or cholesterol medication you may have pigment retention issues and require more frequent touch-ups.

- Avoid Botox or fillers in the brow/forehead/temple area for 2 weeks prior to your procedure.

- Avoid having any chemical/ laser peels, microdermabrasion, chemical exfoliants or brightening skincare leading up to your procedure.

- Please inform us if you have any skin conditions or irritations near or on the brow area (eczema, rashes, sunburn, acne, psoriasis, etc.).

- Having this procedure done during your period may increase sensitivity so it would be ideal to book around your cycle.

- You will need to avoid sun exposure, swimming & sweating for the first week of having your brows done so please plan accordingly.

- Pre-care & aftercare instructions will be provided to ensure safe & hygienic healing, as well as optimal pigment retention.

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